thanks very much..its working.
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/14/02 04:09pm >>>
I had a similar problem with my library. What I did is "qu path" and see
if they all show online=yes. If not what I did was "update path TSM
RMT0 srct=server destt=drive library=lto3583.0 device=/dev/rmt0
online=yes" and
I had a similar problem with my library. What I did is "qu path" and see
if they all show online=yes. If not what I did was "update path TSM
RMT0 srct=server destt=drive library=lto3583.0 device=/dev/rmt0
online=yes" and from there on they started working. BTW I am working on
a 3583 L72, just for
You didn't mention what library you have. But did you
look at actlog and see if any messages are being generated?
Is this a new setup or has been running o.k. for awhile?
If nothing else, a quick action item if you can do it would
be to stop all actions running, halt and restart TSM -
if you can'
Hi ,
We got a problem with tapedrives in TSM 5.1 wich is on AIX.We have eight tape drives
and all are online when I see from tsm>q drive.And all drives are in available status
from OS.But TSM is using only drives 1,6,7
from eight drives.
Anybody knows why these drives are not functioning?