But this is only a factor when using the simultaneous write capability
which isn't the default (and in my experience isn't used all that
frequently). In more common usage a backup storagepool process will,
once invoked, read uncopied data from primary storagepool volumes and
write it to copy stora
>From TSM Concepts Redbook:
"Because the data is written to the copy storage pool and primary storage
pool simultaneously, the backup performance will only be as good as the
slowest device being used for any of the pools."
On Jan 14, 2010, at 7:49 AM, Mehdi Salehi wrote:
> Hi,
> What is the impact of putting copy storage pool on a slower disk subsystem
> than primary storage pool? Actually I would like to know the algorithm that
> TSM uses to synchronize mirror storage pools. Are they 100% synchronized?
A primary d
What is the impact of putting copy storage pool on a slower disk subsystem
than primary storage pool? Actually I would like to know the algorithm that
TSM uses to synchronize mirror storage pools. Are they 100% synchronized?