005 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: baroc file
Hi Loren, until now all events has failing, then think the baroc im using
haven4t all classes. The baroc im using has only 80KB and came with the
version The version 5.1.5 don4t have this baroc.
- Original Me
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: baroc file
Are all your TSM events failing to parse, or only
some of them?
I'm using TSM 5.2.3, so I don't really know what if
anything may have changed since 5.1.5, but my events
look like this:
The entire baroc file is about 800K, mainly because it
has an entry for every possible TSM message. I usually
just extract only the classes I plan to use and load
those in a custom baroc file.
Loren Cain
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mai
Hi list, im using TSM 5.1.5 and i enabled Uniquetecevents using the
itsmuniq.baroc. The problem is that there are a lot of events that are parsing
failling on TEC because that event classes are not declared in this baroc. Does
anyone know anything abou that or has a complete baroc with all TSM e