On SUN platforms you have to use nawk, not awk to process the DRM plan
file. They are different versions and nawk is compatible with the industry
standard awk.
Scott C.
At 10:08 AM 2/5/01 -0500, you wrote:
>We recently had a disaster recovery drill for our Unix Sun Box E10K, We
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Joseph Marchesani
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 8:09 AM
Subject: Using the command AWK on a SUN box
We recently had a disaster rec
>I don't know what version of SunOS you are running but I see on 5.6 and
>5.7 there is awk and nawk. They seem to be different files(filesize is
>different and they aren't links). On AIX(4.2.1 & 4.3.3), I see that both
>/usr/bin/awk and /usr/bin/nawk are the same size(coincidence?). That might
I don't know what version of SunOS you are running but I see on 5.6 and
5.7 there is awk and nawk. They seem to be different files(filesize is
different and they aren't links). On AIX(4.2.1 & 4.3.3), I see that both
/usr/bin/awk and /usr/bin/nawk are the same size(coincidence?). That might
be your
We recently had a disaster recovery drill for our Unix Sun Box E10K, We had
a problem executing the DRM plan file created on the SUN box using the
Unix AWK command when trying to build the DRM scripts, we received SYNTAX
errors, we executed the same AWK command against the E10K DRM file