We do state in our performance and tuning guide that either the
Veritas Quick I/O product or using RAW volumes will improve TSM performance
over using UFS volumes. In our lab tests however, RAW still out-performs
Veritas Quick I/O. Our primary recommendation is still to use RAW if you
>We are running TSM V5.2.2.1 for Solaris on a Solaris 2.8 server. I am
>not a Unix admin. The Unix support team loaded and licensed Veritas
>Quick I/O. According to the TSM Performance tuning guide you either want
>to use Quick I/O or RAW volumes when defining DB, LOG, or Disk pool
>volumes on Sola
e, my recommendation from experience is to use raw volumes, and
not any fancy Quick I/O garbage.
-Original Message-
From: Forrest Payne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 10:27 PM
Subject: Using Veritas Quick I/O on your TSM Server
We are ru
We are running TSM V5.2.2.1 for Solaris on a Solaris 2.8 server. I am not a Unix
admin. The Unix support team loaded and licensed Veritas Quick I/O. According to the
TSM Performance tuning guide you either want to use Quick I/O or RAW volumes when
defining DB, LOG, or Disk pool volumes on Solari