From: Ochs, Duane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>I have 3 TSM servers each with a SCSI attached L700 jukebox with 8 -
DLT7000 drives and 300 + full tapes. I intend on upgrading to SDLT320 by the
end of next month.
Now for the problem.
How do I get the data off the existing tapes and onto the new tap
I have 3 TSM servers each with a SCSI attached L700 jukebox with 8 -
DLT7000 drives and 300 + full tapes. I intend on upgrading to SDLT320 by the
end of next month.
Now for the problem.
How do I get the data off the existing tapes and onto the new tapes ?
Is there a way to define two drive types