--> ... setting the backup copy group's frequency to 1.
Be careful with this. Backup taken either at 22:10 (during schedule) or
11:30 (manual) would prevent your next day regular backup at 22:05.
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
> We don't want the want the incremental backup to run.
As others have pointed out, TSM doesn't provide the exclusion
granularity you really need to prevent the client admin from just
running 'dsmc i' backups.
Perhaps the closest thing is to do 'UPDate Node ... MAXNUMMP=0',
to be in effect
I can't think of a direct way to prevent a node from performing
an incr backup.
Here is a work around.
>From the TSM server lock that node. This will prevent the node
from accessing the server.
Set up an two admin schedule.
First schedule to unlock the node, so that schedule backup can
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 3:07 PM
Subject: TSM backup command line
We have an end-user that accesses the TSM backup client command line on
our TSM INTEL clients ( and runs the dsmc i command to start
maual backups on servers that
p schedule starts. Not
very flexible...
Kindest regards,
Eric van Loon
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
-Original Message-
From: Bernard Rosenbloom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 22:07
Subject: TSM backup command line
We have an end-user that access
We have an end-user that accesses the TSM backup client command line on
our TSM INTEL clients ( and runs the dsmc i command to start
maual backups on servers that failed scheduled backups the previous
night. He is the System Administrator on the INTEL boxes so we can't
prevent him from ace