Re: TSM DB and RLOG sizes

2004-10-13 Thread Roger Deschner
With that many files, I think Richard Sims is on target as to where your problems will arise. Your database will grow quite a bit, but you can calculate that from the Admin Guide formulas. Our DB is over 100GB and it runs fine, so just throw some disk space at it and it will be fine. One thing you

Re: TSM DB and RLOG sizes

2004-10-13 Thread Richard Sims
>Up to now I kept my DB and Rlog sizes to a minimum (96MB and 50MB >respectively). Most of my backups are SQL dbases or large files so there was >no need to increase them. >However, I have a new client (windows) that requires to backup a complex >folder structure with about 30 million files! These

Re: TSM DB and RLOG sizes

2004-10-13 Thread Christo Heuer
Hi, You can increase your database a hundred(maybe even a thousand), times bigger without suffering performance problems. In the Admin guide the space occupied by each object (30Million of them), is explained. You will definately need to increase your db size. Regards ChristoH > Up to now I kep

TSM DB and RLOG sizes

2004-10-13 Thread Yiannakis Vakis
Up to now I kept my DB and Rlog sizes to a minimum (96MB and 50MB respectively). Most of my backups are SQL dbases or large files so there was no need to increase them. However, I have a new client (windows) that requires to backup a complex folder structure with about 30 million files! These are c