nal Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf
> Of Mehdi Salehi
> Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 8:05 AM
> Subject: [ADSM-L] TSM 5.4 or 6.1
> One of our customers is planning to buy TSM for their AIX 5.2
en; I don't know.
Best Regards,
John D. Schneider
The Computer Coaching Community, LLC
Office: (314) 635-5424 / Toll Free: (866) 796-9226
Cell: (314) 750-8721
Original Message
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM 5.4 or 6.1
From: Mehdi Salehi
Date: Sat, October 10, 2009 10:09 am
About using different TSM versions in client and server I should mention one
of the requirments for this client is LAN-free and TDP. So, as far as I
know, clients should be the same version as server.
choose proven and reliable any day.
Best Regards,
John D. Schneider
The Computer Coaching Community, LLC
Office: (314) 635-5424 / Toll Free: (866) 796-9226
Cell: (314) 750-8721
Original Message
Subject: [ADSM-L] TSM 5.4 or 6.1
From: Mehdi Salehi
Date: Sat, October 10, 2009
Cell: (314) 750-8721
Original Message ----
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM 5.4 or 6.1
From: Richard Sims
Date: Sat, October 10, 2009 8:37 am
An obvious, major consideration for your customer is that AIX 5.2 is
out of support:
An obvious, major consideration for your customer is that AIX 5.2 is
out of support:
This may leave them at jeopardy for security problems, and make it
difficult to add new hardware.
Richard Sims
On Oct 10, 2009, at 9:04 AM, Mehdi Sal
How about the point that AIX 5.2 is sort of history?
David Longo
>>> Mehdi Salehi 10/10/2009 9:04 AM >>>
One of our customers is planning to buy TSM for their AIX 5.2 systems. The
problem is that the newest version of TSM what supports AIX 5.2 is TSM 5.4.
Two solutions:
- upgrade AIX systems t
One of our customers is planning to buy TSM for their AIX 5.2 systems. The
problem is that the newest version of TSM what supports AIX 5.2 is TSM 5.4.
Two solutions:
- upgrade AIX systems to 5.3 or 6.1
- forget about TSM 6.1 and use TSM 5.4
You know the application side people are unwilling to mov