But why do the volume names need to be known at all?
Why not just do:
select node_name,filespace_name,file_name,file_size from contents
But yes, if the file is part of an aggregate, you'll get the aggregate
size, which would be misleading.
I don't think there is a very good way to do this. Anot
How about this select to get the volume(s).. warning.. looks like a long
select volume_name from contents where node_name='xxx' AND
Sung Y. Lee
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" wrote on 11/25/2005
12:05:22 PM:
> I know that this question has been addressed before, but
I'm not aware of any change in TSM architecture which allows querying
actual client file sizes as stored in TSM server storage, from the
server. The actual sizes can be obtained via 'dsmc Query Backup'
client queries (which a server administrator may be able to perform
via Virtualnodename, if the
I know that this question has been addressed before, but I just want to
check that the situation remains the same with the current releases,
or if anybody has come up with a cheeky workaround/better solution.
I am looking for a relatively efficient way of finding out how much data
in size is store