Re: PMR: 67847,442,000

2005-08-30 Thread Allen S. Rout
==> On Tue, 30 Aug 2005 11:04:06 -0400, Nancy Jarin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: > Hi Allen. I have received an update from the TSM development. > They agree that LDAP can be used to authenticate users. At the present time, > the embedded ISC that is installed and configured as part of the TSM > Ad

Re: PMR: 67847,442,000

2005-08-24 Thread Allen S. Rout
==> On Wed, 24 Aug 2005 15:37:27 -0400, Nancy Jarin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: > Hi Allen. I have checked if we are able to use single signon on ISC and I > have been advised that this is not possible. Please let me know if you > need further information with regards to this matter or if we can c