I've seen similar (can't remember if it was the exact same error) errors
restoring databases at DR Tests, and it's been because the filesystem being
restored to isn't large file enabled. If you're restoring to a
different/newly built system, that may be the problem.
Nick Cassimatis
From:"Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Oracle restore error
Hi *SM-ers!
One of our Oracle people is trying to restore a database (on Solaris).
some processing the restore fails with the following message in the
(2651) OBK-sbt:<
Hi *SM-ers!
One of our Oracle people is trying to restore a database (on Solaris). After
some processing the restore fails with the following message in the
(2651) OBK-sbt:<06/18/2001:15:10:22> odsmSess(): # of dsmInit retries = 1
(2650) OBK-sbt:<06/18/2001:15:10:22> sbtread(): End of