Re: NEED HELP: TSM instance that won't restart

2008-01-21 Thread Richard Sims
John - I would do: lsof -i tcp:1500-1599 to get a mapping of what is using ports in that range, and then 'ps -flu ' on suspicious bogies, to particularly see when they started, as in possibly being leftover processes. Richard Sims

Re: NEED HELP: TSM instance that won't restart

2008-01-21 Thread Andrew Carlson
This happened to me one time, Investigating with lsof and netstat showed nothing, so we ended up rebooting. On Jan 21, 2008 1:35 PM, Schneider, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Greetings, >We had a TSM instance on a AIX 5.3ML1 server hang because of a > temporary disk problem (powerpath

NEED HELP: TSM instance that won't restart

2008-01-21 Thread Schneider, John
Greetings, We had a TSM instance on a AIX 5.3ML1 server hang because of a temporary disk problem (powerpath lost a path). We had to kill the process and restart it. The TSM instance now comes back with: ANR8208W TCP/IP driver unable to initialize due to error in using port 1505, r