Re: Mountablenotinlib problem

2002-06-16 Thread Seay, Paul
, 2002 4:47 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Mountablenotinlib problem Is your re-use delay making games with you? I have seen this in 4.1 but dissapeard in a later 4.1.x fix release. Have you tried an audit on the volumes? Maybe this wil fix your problem. I will upgrade a customer NSM machine

Re: Mountablenotinlib problem

2002-06-15 Thread Peter Pijpelink - P.L.C.S. BV Storage Consultants
Is your re-use delay making games with you? I have seen this in 4.1 but dissapeard in a later 4.1.x fix release. Have you tried an audit on the volumes? Maybe this wil fix your problem. I will upgrade a customer NSM machine to, I let you know if I see the same problems or not. good luck

Mountablenotinlib problem

2002-06-14 Thread Kelly J. Lipp
TSM V4.2.2.4 on Win2K. I have a bunch of volumes that are empty, in the library, readwrite, etc. A q media command shows them as mountable in library. However, if I try to delete these volumes I get a "no thanks" volume in mountablenotinlibrary state. A perusal of the past suggests a move medi

Re: mountablenotinlib problem Solved

2001-01-04 Thread Palmadesso Jack
The server and library is just a standard C30 3466 Netstore. Anyway thanks all for the help. Jack -Original Message- From: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 10:23 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: mountablenotinlib problem >Seems like my pr

Re: mountablenotinlib problem

2001-01-04 Thread Richard Sims
>Seems like my problem has not gone away. Your original posting said "I have some volumes that were removed from a 3590 library..." but did not specify what they were used for or how they were removed. This may be a case where MOVE DRMEDIA is called for rather than MOVE MEDIA.

Re: mountablenotinlib problem

2001-01-04 Thread David Longo
If your actlog goes back that far, examine it for when you did the MOVE MEDIA command. I have done this before and it is a bit of a pain. I think after the MOVE MEDIA it may then want you do do a CHECKIN for the volume. The docs on the command wasn't clear and I had to play with it to get i

Re: mountablenotinlib problem

2001-01-04 Thread Palmadesso Jack
Seems like my problem has not gone away. Here is the error message I get when I issue a delete vol. ANS8001I Return code 14on the command line ANR2017I Administrator PALMADJ issued command: DELETE VOLUME p50008 discarddata=yes ANR1425W Scratch volume P50008 is empty but will not be deleted -