I tired what you suggested but I am still stuck. When the dsmc schedule
command is run it prompts for a password. When I enter the password I
either get a "ANS107E session rejected" error or I get "ANS1353E" error.
However once I fire up the GUI and login with the password I can run the
In the instSchd.cmd script, take out the -password=XXX part of the line
and see if it works.
You dsm.opt file has passwordaccess generate, yet you're specifying the
password. Since the PW may have changed, the scheduler service won't come
up. I'm not sure why it works after you've fi
The problem that I am encountering is that upon reboot the machine calls
the following script from the startup.cmd instSchd.cmd
the instSchd.cmd is a script that is generated when you use the
configuration wizard to configure the scheduler the script contains the
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