To assign Js to a set of storagepools and Ks to a different set of
storagepools, in a non-z/OS environment, you have to either define all
of your Js as private and define them to the appropriate storage pools
and use the Ks as scratch. Or do it the other way around and use the Js
as scratch and do
** High Priority **
Hi Steve,
Thanks for ur response,
I have no idea how much it costs for upgrade drives...but client
decided to expand existing tape library.
You mean explicitly assign tapes to particular storage pool ?
Thank you.
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/8/2004 6:14:40 PM >>>
Why add slots when you can upgrade your B1As to E1As and double your capacity
or H1As and triple it? Second hand 3590 equipment is very cheap now that the
3592 has come out.
Anyway. The way I used to do it was to explicitly assign tapes to management
classes for onsite use and let th
** High Priority **
Greetings ALL,
Soon we are going to expand our tape library(3494) with more slots
after we run out of space with existing J' cartridges. We have got
some(600) new K' cartridges of high capacity to use along with
J'cartridges. I have been asked to use K'cartridges for offsite(I