>We migrated this weekend to on zOS 1.4 (from are
>seeing the following behavior on a handful of backups. ...
>ANRD BFCREATE(1918): ThreadId<4706> Destination switched
> from DIRDISKPOOL to DISK_STG in the middle of a transaction.
Jim - The server was upgraded.
We migrated this weekend to on zOS 1.4 (from are
seeing the following behavior on a handful of backups. We also
encountered an internal server error message during our move drmedia
command, although it seemed to process the correct number of volumes.
Any clues or su
Help, I have a TSM client whose hostname was changed this morning.
I tried to rename the node on the TSM server to the new hostname and got the
following error:
TSM> rename node newkronostest kronostest
ANR0102E admnode.c(2294): Error 1 inserting row in table "Extended.Attrs"
Ok, so then I tri
Some time ago I reported seeing internal server errors occasionally
when a particular client system ran backups. Several respondants
recommended upgrading to a newer client level. We recently did so,
but we are still seeing the internal server errors. A typical set
of messages is as follows: