Re: High CPU Consumption on Tape Threads in DSMSERV

2003-10-15 Thread Robin Sharpe
| |Subject:

Re: High CPU Consumption on Tape Threads in DSMSERV

2003-10-15 Thread Slaughter, Bill
| | | "ADSM: Dist Stor | | | Manager" | | | | |-+--> >--- ----------| | | | | |To: [EMAIL PRO

Re: High CPU Consumption on Tape Threads in DSMSERV

2003-10-15 Thread Robin Sharpe
| |cc: | |Subject:

High CPU Consumption on Tape Threads in DSMSERV

2003-10-14 Thread Slaughter, Bill
I have just had a call escalated to level 2 and was wondering if anybody else is having a problem and may not know it. I was told I was the first to report it. We have recently upgraded to TSM and noticed there is a higher amount of CPU being consumed by the DSMSERV process. We were upgr