Re: Help with select for non-mirrored database volumes

2002-08-01 Thread Ran Harel
12:09 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Help with select for non-mirrored database volumes I'm on the right path, I think. It's all right there in the dbvolumes, I just can't get the info to come out right. I want to find out how large the unmirrored volumes are, so I can go get

Re: Help with select for non-mirrored database volumes

2002-07-26 Thread Braich, Raminder
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 6:09 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Help with select for non-mirrored database volumes I'm on the right path, I think. It's all right there in the dbvolumes, I just can't get the info to come out right. I want to find ou

Help with select for non-mirrored database volumes

2002-07-26 Thread Nicholas Cassimatis
I'm on the right path, I think. It's all right there in the dbvolumes, I just can't get the info to come out right. I want to find out how large the unmirrored volumes are, so I can go get the space to mirror them. I've tried: tsm: SERVER>select copy1_name,avail_space_mb from dbvolumes where c