And the checkout script is a LOT older than the checkin; some day I intend
to set it up to tail the log and provide better feedback as it runs.
Tom Kauffman
> -Original Message-
> From: Coats, Jack [mailto:Jack.Coats@;BANKSTERLING.COM]
> Sent: Tuesday, Novembe
:24 PM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:(bcc: Joseph Pendergast/Corona/Watson)
Subject: Fun with a bulk door on a tape library
Whoopee! Just got an upgrade to my tape library (IBM 3583). Put in some
more slots, tape driv
Whoopee! Just got an upgrade to my tape library (IBM 3583). Put in some
more slots, tape drives and a bulk loader door. The door now has 12 slots
in it, up from 1.
I have tried some things, but I know there are come command shortcuts for
using the bulk loader door efficiently.
What I need to do