-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Richard Sims
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 2:00 PM
Subject: Fwd: Domain ALL-LOCAL client option set
My error... Cancel that - additive options are not affected by the
My error... Cancel that - additive options are not affected by the
Force parameter.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Richard Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 7, 2006 1:56:10 PM EST
To: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
Subject: Re: Domain ALL-LOCAL client option set
On Nov 7, 2
On Nov 7, 2006, at 12:35 PM, L'Huillier, Denis (GTI) wrote:
When using ALL-LOCAL in the domain statement of a client option set it
doesn't seem to work.
Referring to topic "Using options with commands" in the client
manual, what value did you use for the Force operand of DEFine
When using ALL-LOCAL in the domain statement of a client option set it
doesn't seem to work.
When I issue "dsmc q opt" from the client the domain states "ALL-LOCAL"
instead of the translated local filesystems.
The system is AIX. The local dsm.opt file contains "DOMAIN /" to back
up the root di