Re: Adding the TSM Scheduler to a run level on SUSE 9 for Zseries

2005-08-30 Thread Peter Rothman
Dist Stor cc Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject .EDU> Re: [ADSM-L] Adding the TSM Scheduler to

Re: Adding the TSM Scheduler to a run level on SUSE 9 for Zseries

2005-08-29 Thread Volker Maibaum
Hello, just look at the example init script /etc/init.d/skeleton. Copy it to /etc/init.d/tsm_sched Edit it (you only need the start and stop section) it's really easy... And then use "chkconfig tsm_shed on" to activate it. Then the script wil

Adding the TSM Scheduler to a run level on SUSE 9 for Zseries

2005-08-29 Thread Peter Rothman
I am new to this list and to TSM. I just installed TSM on SUSE9 running under z/VM 510. How do I add the TSM scheduler to one of the run levels so that it starts whenever we reboot the system. Is there a script - do not find one in the install doc. Thanks Peter.