as always with the YMMV disclaimer.
> Regards
> Steve.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > On Behalf Of Andrew Raibeck
> > Sent: Thursday, 29 December 2005 2:11 AM
> > To: ADSM
87% of the data backed up was .pst files, something that I'm
> sure is rather common where Outlook is the mail client.
> Now the obvious suggestion is to use Adaptive Subfile Backup for
> these and only back up the bits that have changed, but my boss
> pointed out that the Adaptive su
> Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Adaptive Subfile Backup and File Servers
> Hi Steve,
> To what adaptive subfile white paper do you refer? Subfile
> backup does indeed back up the security attributes for files.
> Of course, questions such as these
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Adaptive Subfile Backup and File Servers
Hi Steve,
To what adaptive subfile white paper do you refer? Subfile backup does
indeed back up the security attributes for files. Of course, questions
as these can always be resolved by testing them out for
indows 2000
> Cluster. Analysis of a recent schedlog shows that on this particular
> day, 87% of the data backed up was .pst files, something that I'm
> sure is rather common where Outlook is the mail client.
> Now the obvious suggestion is to use Adaptive Subfile Backup for
s the mail client.
Now the obvious suggestion is to use Adaptive Subfile Backup for
these and only back up the bits that have changed, but my boss
pointed out that the Adaptive subfile whitepaper suggests that its
use is not indicated for file servers. The reason given for this is
that ASB c
Started receiving this error in the DSMERROR.LOG on one of my WAN clients
that is using Adaptive subfile differencing. Anyone seen this before? I can
not locate any documentation on this error.
Bruce E. Lowrie
Sr. Systems Analyst
Information Technology Services
Storage, Output, Legacy