Re: AW: synthetic fullbackup

2002-12-23 Thread asr
=> On Wed, 18 Dec 2002 16:09:39 +0100, Schwarz Werner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: >> We are looking for a solution for the following problem: >> During a restore of a whole TSM-client we found that the needed ACTIVE >> backup_versions were heavy scattered around our virtual tape-volumes. This >> was

Re: AW: synthetic fullbackup

2002-12-18 Thread William Rosette
cc: Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: AW: synthetic fullb

AW: synthetic fullbackup

2002-12-18 Thread Schwarz Werner
Hi Richard thanks for your hints. We still hope on a solution that makes us happy. The idea with BackupSet is theoretically the closest one. But I heard from people with experince, that (i) its not so easy to restore a client with the newest backupversions and (ii) we have the time-problem moved to

AW: synthetic fullbackup

2002-12-18 Thread Schwarz Werner
Hi, thanks a lot for your tips. With all of your mentioned hints we go to the right direction. But I think that there is still room for doing it better (VERITAS for ex. has to "de-DUPLEX" their tapes after the backup_process to be able for an acceptable fast restore). Our envir: - TSM Server: 4.2.2