> > > Oh, and one more nice thing. There is no indication of error in the AIX
> > > error log at all, but we can reproduce the 46 error code using tapeutil,
> > > when closing the device, or testing if it's ready...
I believe it is the device driver which actually causes the entry to be made
to t
One more thing that bubbled up...
I seem to remember having really weird drive problems
that were related to a mis-behaving smcX device. After
a library reconfig, we had to destroy and rebuild the
smc0 device, the destroy and rebuild the drives and
library definition in ADSM.
Just a shot in the
On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 08:12:40PM -0700, Dan Jennings wrote:
> I support a bunch of 3575 tape lib's on AIX servers
> and all of them always return an errno 46 when closing
> a drive device with tapeutil. Usually this has no
> relationship to readiness from a *SM point of view,
> though.
Dan, tha
I support a bunch of 3575 tape lib's on AIX servers
and all of them always return an errno 46 when closing
a drive device with tapeutil. Usually this has no
relationship to readiness from a *SM point of view,
Since it sounds like you are a veteran AIX'er, I guess
I don't have to tell you
On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 06:43:07AM -0700, Larry Way wrote:
> Has your library always contained Model C tape drives ?
Yes. There was no change at all. At least nothing I know about, or I can
catch from the logs/lslpp.
"Using vim will surely improve ones computer skil
Has your library always contained Model C tape drives ?
Larry Way
408-743-4242 Voice
408-690-2327 Cell
408-743-4201 Fax
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/11/00 05:15 AM >>>
Hi *SMers,
have any of you seen this?
At one location we have two exactly the same AIX ( ADSM (
On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 08:37:58AM -0400, Richard Sims wrote:
> >ANR8779E Unable to open drive /dev/rmt1, error number=46
> Gyula - The "error number" is the Unix (AIX) errno, in this case being
> ENOTREADY (device not ready). This can show up when the devices
> are in an Offline state.
>ANR8779E Unable to open drive /dev/rmt1, error number=46
Gyula - The "error number" is the Unix (AIX) errno, in this case being
ENOTREADY (device not ready). This can show up when the devices
are in an Offline state. It sounds like the hardware is having a
problem; but the absence of e
Hi *SMers,
have any of you seen this?
At one location we have two exactly the same AIX ( ADSM (
servers with 3575 L06 lib with C drives.
One one of the servers some time ago the tape drives failed with error code
46. We tried to upgrade atape, and the microcode as well, but made n