Orphan backupset tape

2002-10-02 Thread Werner Kliewer
ll it be possible at the 4.2.1 level which is the next level we can upgrade the NSM to? How about 4.2.2 which we will need to get to to solve some PMR's we have open. Or do I have to open a PMR for this one as well? Werner Kliewer in Winnipeg

ANR9999D smnode.c.5323.: Error validating inserts for event

2002-09-24 Thread Werner Kliewer
We get this message when using the MS Exchange TDP, and I think also when running the MS SQL TDP. We are running a V4.1.3 server on AIX, with V2.2.0 of the TDP clients. Is there something we can do to stop getting this message without upgrading the server? Will upgrading to V4.2.x of the server

Strategies for DR recovery of large clients

2002-09-10 Thread Werner Kliewer
I am working on our first TSM based DR plan for our data centre. We currently have a successfully tested several times plan using system specific tools, such as Sysback/6000 for AIX, BRM for AS/400, ArcServe for Novell and WinNT. We have been asked to convert to TSM to consolidate all backups i