Re: Multiple DSMCAD processes on RH Linux

2004-02-27 Thread Tuncel Mutlu (B.T.B.S.G.)
We have the same case, only 3 instances, still in test. TSM Client - HW: IBM Xseries 345 Model No: 8670 - 31x OS: Linux Suse 7.3 root 12477 538 0 14:42 pts/000:00:00 ./dsmc sched root 12479 12477 0 14:42 pts/000:00:00 ./dsmc sched root 12480 12479 0 14:42 pts/0

db2 baclup changes file permissions

2003-12-19 Thread Tuncel Mutlu (B.T.B.S.G.)
Hi, TSM Server 5.2.0 TSM Clients 5.2.0 on 2 x AIX 5.2. One box has DB2 7.2 FP10 and the other DB2 7.2 FP8. DB2 backup taken offline. Some strange behaviour - after taking offline backup, backuped file permissions (user & group) change to root.system. Changing back is not a solution - after nex