there isn't any pending mails in the mailserver.
manual sending and test messages are regular at all...
it seems a schedule problem, because I try to change the scheduled time but
it fails again
Richard Sims[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
I would first have a look at your mail server
in my Tivoli Storage Manager Version 5.2 I don't receive the Daily Report
via email (last one was sent the 1st of dec).
the mmc console, Daily Report, everything seems correct...
Il contenuto di questo messaggio di posta elettronica e ogni eventuale
documento a quest'ultimo allegat
I need a full-help file to check the mail notification
where I can find it?
Il contenuto di questo messaggio di posta elettronica e ogni eventuale
documento a quest'ultimo allegato e' rivolto unicamente alle persone cui e'
indirizzato, e puo' contenere informazioni la cui riserva