Storage pool

2004-10-13 Thread Pan, Sanjoy
Hello, Although there are sufficient no. of tapes in the prime & offsite pool, the estimated capacity can be seen as 0. Is there any issue? I can't find any error in actlog though. Your input will be highly appreciated. Thanks & best regards, Sanjoy tsm: TSM3.USSNTC6>q stg Storage

filespace name

2004-08-10 Thread Pan, Sanjoy
Hello all, Any idea about how can I get/restore the actual filespace names from ... tsm: TSM2.JPTKYO6>q files WEBTRENDS1 Node Name Filespace FSIDPlatform Filespace Is Filespace Name Type Unicode ---

Re: TSM Client migration

2004-07-29 Thread Pan, Sanjoy
Dear all, Please let me know how I can migrate a client's(Win2k,Linux & Solaris) data from one server(TSM to another. Thanks & best regards, Sanjoy

Re: exchange backup

2004-06-01 Thread Pan, Sanjoy
Sorry for the typo. c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\TDPexchange\excfull.cmd .The contents are as stated below. @ECHO OFF set exc_dir="C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\TDPExchange" cd /d %exc_dir% echo Current date is: >> excfull.log date /t < NUL >> excfull.log echo Current time is: >> excfull.log time /

Re: exchange backup

2004-05-31 Thread Pan, Sanjoy
Hi I am getting the error as stated below while taking the exchange backup through TSM scheduler. The exchange scheduler is running through an exchange a/c and the manual backup is working fine with this a/c. The Exchange 2K is running with TDP Please let me get your idea on this. T

Re: How to change Private to Scratch ...

2004-02-23 Thread Pan, Sanjoy
Checkout without removing (remove=no) them from library. Once again check them in as status=scr. Best regards, -Original Message- From: Peter Daransky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 5:00 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: How to change Private to Scratch ... H

Problem with TDP(2.1.10) during TSM client(5.1.6) upgradation

2004-02-19 Thread Pan, Sanjoy
Hello TSM Jins, I am facing problem on TDP while up grading TSM client from 4.1.1 to 5.1.6. The error is as listed below. Your early remark will be highly appreciated. Best regards, Sanjoy Pan Savvis Communications Tokyo Environment:- Sun Cluster 2.2 Solaris 2.6

TSM Server code upgrade (>

2003-12-16 Thread Pan, Sanjoy
Could anyone throw some light on this? While upgrading TSM server(TIVsmS)from to, I have encountered the below error. Otherwise, it's working fine with the upgraded code. BTW, it's running on Solaris 2.6 ANR8451I 349X library IDS04ATL1 is ready for operations. ANRD sminit.c(5

Re: Exchange server backup

2003-12-08 Thread Pan, Sanjoy
TDP to do it effectively in a 24 * 365 day environment. As mentioned the Redbook explains all detail of how to implement TDP. I am sure my learned collegues here will be more than happy to assist you further if required. Best regards Stephen -Original Message- From: Pan, Sanjoy

Re: Exchange server backup

2003-12-07 Thread Pan, Sanjoy
considerations pertinent to utilizing TSM and TDP to back up and restore Microsoft Exchange Best Regards Stephen -Original Message- From: Pan, Sanjoy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 08 December, 2003 11:13 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Exchange server backup How do you take

Re: Exchange server backup

2003-12-07 Thread Pan, Sanjoy
How do you take exchange server backup? I am getting below errors everyday. It's a 2K exchange server and the TSM version is running on Solaris 2.6. 12/07/03 10:06:14 ANE4987E (Session: 16578, Node: TKYOEXCH1-IPP) Error processing '\\tkyoexch1\e$\P