Hi All
I have TSM 5.1.5 both server and client for windows 2000. When I back up my
one server with the DHCP.mdb file on it this file fails as it is an open
file. How can I back up this file or at least ensure that it is getting
backed up in some other way.
Kind Regards
For: Persetel
Hi All
I run TSM Server 5.1.5 on Windows 2000 and SAP/R3 on Tru64/UNix using the
TSM SAP TDP. I wish to know if there is a timeout value that can used to
cancel a backup if not completed within a specified time. I schedule the
backups then using a script begin the backups, which in turn perform al
Not sure But the response of Completed comes from the fact that the script
is completed. I get a completed status from my TDP's as long as the script
completes, even if no tablespaces were backed up.
-Original Message-
From: Kolbeinn Josepsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 Ja
I generally use the following select statement, however if there is an
easier way please let me know.
select distinct node_name,volume_name,stgpool_name from volumeusage where
node_name='nodename' and stgpool_name='storage pool'
-Original Message-
From: Werner Baur [mailto:[E
Hi All
I am running TSM 5.1.5 on Windows 2000 and SAP/R3 using Oracle on a TRU64
Unix Cluster. I backup the SAP Databases using the SAP/R3 TDP for Tivoli on
Tru64 Unix. I wish to restore the SPP (Production Database) to the SPQ (QA
Database) location, overwriting the SPQ database with SPP's databas
December 2002 10:36
Have you got this with anything other than system objects.
If not you need to have a look back at this years www.adsm.org for problem
expiring system objects and action to take,
Lawrie Scott - Persetel Q Vector <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
Hi All
I am trying to expire all my data except the latest active version. My
backup copy group settings are as follows:-
Policy Domain Name WINDOWS
Policy Set Name ACTIVE
Mgmt Class Name WINDOWS
Copy Group Name STANDARD
Versions Data Exists 1
Versions Data Deleted 0
Retain Extra Versions 0
I'm not sure about the pricing but HP have good small libraries. I use an
old DLT7000 system that works great. Maybe look at some libraries and then
check the TSM site for compatibility.
-Original Message-
From: Raghu S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 December 2002 01:45
Hi All
Thanx in advance, new to this and not sure I've set this up correctly.
I originally wanted to keep 7 versions and delete after 30 days any deleted
I run TSM Server 5.1 and I'm trying to expire all my data down to only one
copy of the data. My versions were set to 7 and the rest as