Re: Who at IBM is the support group for the Atape driver?

2008-07-18 Thread Josef Weingand
illegal Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards Josef Weingand Consulting IT Specialist Technical Sales Systems Storage Mobil +49 171 55 26 783 - Homeoffice Tel. +49 8845 757421 Fax +49 171 13 5526783 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] SMS/eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Erich

Re: ALMS activation on productive shared TS3500 library

2008-06-13 Thread Josef Weingand
necessary, but it happens once to me) - run an audit lib Thats all. After that you can change the library setup with ALMS capabilities. I have a ppt which explains ALMS and TS3500 WebGUI, but it is about 8 MB, if someone interested pls pop me email Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind reg

Re: LTO4 hardware or software problem

2007-11-22 Thread Josef Weingand
LTO3 can't encrypt at all ... Hope this helps ... if not, check out the redbooks ... Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards Josef Weingand Senior IT Specialist Technical Sales Systems Storage Mobil +49 171 55 26 783 - Homeoffice Tel. +49 8845 757421 Fax +49 171 13 5526783 email: [

Re: Rejected posting to ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

2007-08-24 Thread Josef Weingand
not work for most of the VTL, or at least it is really painful to configure it like as Pierre describes. Here is an example: Hope this helps - and think about the advantage of load balancing. Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards Josef Weingand Senior IT Specialist CAYE PIERRE

Re: Configuring IBM LTO-4 DFA Drives in Solaris

2007-08-08 Thread Josef Weingand
ogic or SUN branded Qlogic follow the steps for either qlogic or SUN. Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards Josef Weingand Senior IT Specialist Technical Sales Systems Storage Mobil +49 171 55 26 783 - Homeoffice Tel. +49 8845 757421 Fax +49 171 13 5526783 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] SMS/eMail: [EMAI

Re: Fw: How to Incorporate a CDL into TSM environment?

2007-06-17 Thread Josef Weingand
not have it ready for GA yet. 5.)what happens if the VTL crashed Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards Josef Weingand Senior IT Specialist Technical Sales Systems Storage Mobil +49 171 55 26 783 - Homeoffice Tel. +49 8845 757421 Fax +49 171 13 5526783 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] SMS/eMail

Re: 3592 dual-port drives

2007-06-17 Thread Josef Weingand
4-6268-03 Redbooks, published 16 October 2005 by the way: this works also for IBM LTO tape drives and for the IBM VTL TS7520, but there is a Feature/License Key necessary. Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards Josef Weingand Senior IT Specialist Technical Sales Systems Storage Mobil +49 171

Re: How to Incorporate a CDL into TSM environment?

2007-06-05 Thread Josef Weingand
Grüßen / Kind regards Josef Weingand Senior IT Specialist Technical Sales Systems Storage Mobil +49 171 55 26 783 - Homeoffice Tel. +49 8845 757421 Fax +49 171 13 5526783 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] SMS/eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM Deutschland GmbH Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Hans Ulrich Maerki

Josef Weingand is in Tucson/USA - response might be delayed

2007-04-19 Thread Josef Weingand
I will be out of the office starting 19.04.2007 and will not return until 30.05.2007. I'm in Tucson/USA for an internal project (Redbook). Therefore, my response might be delayed. In urgent matters, you can reach me on my mobile from around 16:00 to 17:30 (MESZ).

Re: LTO Tape Encryption Ideas

2007-04-16 Thread Josef Weingand
DB, which are need for encrpytion and send the keys to the tape drives. Consider not to backup TSM DB with encrypted enabled! Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards Josef Weingand Senior IT Specialist Technical Sales Systems Storage Mobil +49 171 55 26 783 - Homeoffice Tel. +49 8845 757421 Fax

Re: TDP encryption

2007-02-15 Thread Josef Weingand
Hello, another way to use encryption is to use tape encryption with IBM TS1120 Tape Drives. You may use Key Management with an separate key manager program (EKM) or with TSM 5.3.4 or TSM 5.4. "Prather, Wanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] UAPL.EDU>

Re: 3592 tape labels

2007-02-08 Thread Josef Weingand
You should use 8 character reporting on the library in order to recognize different type of media (JJ, JA, JB, etc) Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards Josef Weingand Senior IT Specialist Technical Sales Systems Storage IBM Deutschland Mobil +49 171 55 26 783 - Homeoffice Tel. +49 8845 757421

Re: AW: [ADSM-L] 3592 Path Failover for Dual Ports

2007-02-05 Thread Josef Weingand
t50). With DPF you will get Failover and Loadbalancing function. With the TSM function SANdiscovery you will get failover only. See also Implementing IBM Tape in UNIX Systems, SG24-6502-03 Redbook, published 18 October 2005, Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards Josef Weingand Senior IT Speci