Hi all,
I'm working with TSM version 5.3.4 on linux (fedora core 5) and the
backup schedule stops with error ANS1999E when reach a mounted directory.
This is exclude/include from dsm.sys
Exclude /.../*
INCLUDE /var/backup/database/.../* MC-BASES
Hi all,
I'm working with TSM version 5.3.4 on linux (fedora core 5), when I try
to connect to webclient I get this error:
ANS2600S Browser trying to establish connection to client; received
socket exception: java.net.ConnectException: Operation timed out: connect
After this error webclient is
Ing. Fernando Villarreal - Silice S.A. wrote:
Hi, I'm working with TSM version 5.2 and my linux clients report this
kind of errors
ANE4042E (Session: 17393, Node: SRVDESARROLLO) Object name
'/opt/Projects/Intranet/WebUI/pngs/Sin título-2.png'
Hi, I'm working with TSM version 5.2 and my linux clients report this
kind of errors
ANE4042E (Session: 17393, Node: SRVDESARROLLO) Object name
'/opt/Projects/Intranet/WebUI/pngs/Sin título-2.png' contains one or
more unrecognized
characters and is not valid. (SESSION: 17393)
ANE4042E (Sess
I'm a little bit confussed about reclamation process of a copy
storage pool
I've a Linux server with TSM 5.3 with one tape and this configuration.
Disk storage pool "dskpool" (on disk) ---> next storage pool "genpool"
Sequential access storage pool "genpool" (on tape) ---> reclaim