Richard Sims wrote:
On Oct 31, 2006, at 9:03 AM, Hermann Frasch wrote:
ANS4042E Object name 'object_path' contains one or more unrecognised
characters and is not valid.
Hermann -
Go to the TSM Support Page and search on
"contains unrecognized symbols for current l
e to look for (locale-configuration,
library missing?)
in order to get the TSM-client accept umlauts in directory or file names.
Can anyone with experience with Debian Linux give us some hints on the
Thanks in advance!
Hermann Frasch
Hermann Frasch Informationssysteme und Server
Sehr geehrte Betreuer/innen von TSM-Clients!
Client-Sessions mit dem TSM-Server sind ab sofort wieder moeglich.
Mit freundlichem Gruss
Hermann Frasch
Hermann Frasch | Tel. : (++49)711/685 5952
Rechenzentrum der| Fax : (++49)711/682357
Universität Stuttgart (RUS
Hi Andreas,
try the following statement:
select servername,nodename,date_time from actlog
where (cast((current_timestamp-date_time)hours as integer)>1)
Hope it works.
Hermann Frasch
Andreas Rensch wrote:
> Hi,
> how can i code a select statement, which gives me