Bradley Tidd/Boulder/IBM is out of the office.

2001-10-05 Thread Bradley Tidd
I will be out of the office starting October 5, 2001 and will not return until October 15, 2001. I will respond to your message when I return, I expect to be able to read my email in the evenings, but can not promiss. Please contact my backup for my accounts, Alejandra Salgado at [EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: Disk pool size vs large file

2001-06-21 Thread Bradley Tidd
What I did for my large DB2 customers was make a class which is bound to go directly to a tape pool. You could even do it for just that one dataset, if they bind it in their IE file (if using an API you can make a node just for them to use for the BIG ones. Richard Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.

Re: Upgrading to 4.1

2001-06-14 Thread Bradley Tidd
When I did the upgrade all the files were moved fine for the server code, however I needed to EDIT the ie, dsm.opt, and dsm.sys for the client_only upgrades. This is because the files were copied, but they still pointed to the OLD code libraries, not the new ones. Brad Tidd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

ie list order and comments

2001-05-25 Thread Bradley Tidd
Has anybody noticed anything different about the TSM client in the way it reads the IE file? I am getting some unusual results, almost as if it is now readind top to bottom, instead of bottom to top. And or that the "*" is not a comment for the line.