I will be out of the office starting October 5, 2001 and will not return
until October 15, 2001.
I will respond to your message when I return, I expect to be able to read
my email in the evenings, but can not promiss. Please contact my backup
for my accounts, Alejandra Salgado at [EMAIL PROTECTE
What I did for my large DB2 customers was make a class which is bound to go
directly to a tape pool.
You could even do it for just that one dataset, if they bind it in their IE
file (if using an API you can make a
node just for them to use for the BIG ones.
Richard Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.
When I did the upgrade all the files were moved fine for the server code,
however I needed to EDIT the ie, dsm.opt, and dsm.sys for the client_only
This is because the files were copied, but they still pointed to the OLD
code libraries, not the new ones.
Has anybody noticed anything different about the TSM client in the
way it reads the IE file?
I am getting some unusual results, almost as if it is now readind top to
bottom, instead of bottom to top.
And or that the "*" is not a comment for the line.