Re: Troubles, troubles, troubles.

2002-06-07 Thread Bern Ruelas
Rick, We had the same problem that went away with -Bern Ruelas Sr. Systems Engineer - Storage Cadence Design Systems -Original Message- From: Rushforth, Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 8:44 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Troubles, troubles

Re: Tuning TSM

2002-05-17 Thread Bern Ruelas
Hi Don, I looked for "incrbydate" in the installation guide and reference manual for this option but haven't found it. Can I use this for Solaris clients? -Bern Ruelas Cadence Design Systems - Storage Sr. Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: Don France (TSMnews)

Is there a 5.1 client for Solaris?

2002-05-16 Thread Bern Ruelas
On the ftp site: the v5r1 server and storage agent for Solaris are there, however there is no client code. Is this planned? -Bern Sr. Systems Engineer Cadence Design Systems - Storage

Re: SUN FC HBA adapter

2002-05-14 Thread Bern Ruelas
ed configuration. Ing. Jozef Zatko Login a.s. Dlha 2, Stupava tel.: (421) (2) 60252618 Bern Ruelas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 09.05.2002 20:11 Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" To: [EMAIL

Re: starting tsm server on solaris

2002-05-13 Thread Bern Ruelas
HI Gerald, That is a very offending line. We've removed it. Not only that, but Solaris usually doesn't start daemons (except the console) in that way. Solaris uses run control scripts. We put ours in /etc/init.d. It is pointed to from /etc/rc3.d which starts up when the system goes into multiuse

How do you eject dbsnapshot tapes automagically

2002-05-10 Thread Bern Ruelas
I'd like to set my system up to automagically eject the dbsnapshots when they are done via an admin command script. Does anyone know how? -Bern Sr. Systems Engineer Cadence Design Systems

Re: SUN FC HBA adapter

2002-05-09 Thread Bern Ruelas
CP/SCSI Target 9 LUN 3 3. Next check that your /usr/kernel/drv/IBMtape.conf file has the requisite objects not #'d out. We typically leave all 16 instances open. Bern Ruelas Sr. Systems Engineer - Storage Cadence Design Systems -Original Message- From: Jozef Zatko [mailto:[EMAIL PROT

Re: Solaris TSM Server Performance

2002-05-09 Thread Bern Ruelas
tests we ran an average of 80 GB/hr to back up and 39 GB/hr to restore the full database. Remember that using raw volumes is quick but it can EASILY get you into trouble. Make *very* sure you have this mapped out and know *exactly* which slices you are using and where. -Bern Ruelas Sr. Systems

Re: Backup of Sun OS

2002-01-25 Thread Bern Ruelas
strator ConAgra Foods, Inc. 7300 World Communication Drive Omaha,NE 68122 Tel: (402) 577-3603 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bern Ruelas| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>_ Sr. Systems Engineer | () |_> Cadence Design Systems | /

Re: Drive Mapping for W2K over SAN to LTO with Sun TSM server

2001-12-17 Thread Bern Ruelas
ommands that you will need to issue. I can >tell you this is really slick stuff based on our experiences. So far, we >have only used AIX and Solaris Storage Agents, but we will be doing W2K next >week on exactly what you are doing except it is an AIX TSM server. > >-Original Me

Drive Mapping for W2K over SAN to LTO with Sun TSM server

2001-12-14 Thread Bern Ruelas
.2.4 IBM 2580 Ultrium Tape DrivesQLogic QLA2200 PCI Fiber Adapter Any clues would help. Thanks, -Bern Ruelas Sr. Systems Engineer - Storage Cadence Design Systems 2655 Seely Ave. San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 428-5246

Re: LTO restore performance - seek problem?

2001-05-04 Thread Bern Ruelas
John, This problem is very interesting to me as we are thinking of throwing away our 17 ATL libraries running Legato's NetWorker 6.0.1 in favor of 2 LTO 3584's running Tivoli Storage Manager (we will actually use a Sun E420). I thought colocation was suppose to speed up recoveries, it sounds as