Please remove from name from the user group. I will be on vacation
for 12 days and the accumulation of these messages will fill my mail box to
capacity. I will re-subscribe when I return. Thanks
Yes, TDP has been released. We currently are testing with this version at
our site. Thanks
Gabby Barbour
System Programmer
Rex HealthCare.
> --
> From: Bruce Lowrie[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Reply To: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
> Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 3:16 PM
> On occasion, the TSM Central Scheduler Service fails to start after a
> server reboot (set to start automatically). I can start the service from
> the service applets without any errors. I receive no error messages or
> any entries in NT event viewer. This has been difficult to troubleshoot
Our shop is in the process of installing and using this version for our
Exchange agent. Has anyone run into any problems with this software package
? We will be testing this software out this week and were trying to get the
information on the BUGS before we get into too deep. Thanks
We moved from a L18 tape library to a L32 library and just opened up the
library and moved the tapes manually. We made sure we kept them in the same
order that we pulled them out. We also looked at how the new library labeled
the slot numbers. We then put the tapes in those slots, and then we