DB PiT restore with 6.2.1

2011-03-04 Thread Andreas Priebe
ates "Applies logs from the overflow directory up to specified point in time" as the last action ) was, that a restore to 11:30 in the above example should be possible. TIA Andreas -- ---------- Andreas Priebe Data Center PROMOS consult Projektmanagement, Organisation

Re: "Reaggregate" data in copy storage pool (DR550 with SSAM)

2011-01-17 Thread Andreas Priebe
ol, we get only about 600 to 1000 MB (cf. q vol) into a 5 GB data file (as seen by ls -l), i.e. about 15 .. 20%. Unfortunately a tape copy storage pool is not an option currently. but we are working on it ;-) Regards, Andreas -- ------ Andreas Priebe Director Data Center D

"Reaggregate" data in copy storage pool (DR550 with SSAM)

2011-01-04 Thread Andreas Priebe
t;). Is this possible? Any ideas? Regards, Andreas -- -- Andreas Priebe Service Leiter Rechenzentrum PROMOS consult Projektmanagement, Organisation und Service GmbH Rungestraße 19 10179 Berlin Telefon +49(0)30 24 31 17 - 613 Mobil +49(0)151 52 72 89 13 Fax +49

Re: ACN5759W with TDP for Exchange when using RSG

2010-09-30 Thread Andreas Priebe
e got already about 15 GB into the RSG. Greetings, Andreas -- ---------- Andreas Priebe Service Leiter Rechenzentrum PROMOS consult Projektmanagement, Organisation und Service GmbH Rungestraße 19 10179 Berlin Telefon +49(0)30 24 31 17 - 613 Mobil +49(0)151 52 72 89 13 F

Re: ACN5759W with TDP for Exchange when using RSG

2010-09-30 Thread Andreas Priebe
rvices\MSExchangeIS\Parameters\System “Recovery SG Override” It is NOT set, so this seems OK. Greetings, Andreas -- -- Andreas Priebe Service Leiter Rechenzentrum PROMOS consult Projektmanagement, Organisation und Service GmbH Rungestraße 19 10179 Berlin Telefon +4

ACN5759W with TDP for Exchange when using RSG

2010-09-30 Thread Andreas Priebe
ists." Instead it gives us the ACN5759W - so we are afraid that we destroy our storage group and decided to abort the recovery. Versions used: DP for Exchange is 5.2.1, TSM is 5.4 Any ideas? TIA Andreas -- ---------- Andreas Priebe Service Leiter Rechenzen

Strange filesize after export/import

2006-07-27 Thread Andreas Priebe
Hi, we are just testing the migration of a TSM (AIX 4.3) to a TSM (AIX 5.2). So far everything seems OK, policies and data were exported and imported just fine, but I noticed a discrepancy in the file sizes shown in a select from contents for ALL files (data are from a ContenManag

Restoring overwritten archived object

2005-10-18 Thread Andreas Priebe
Hi, I have an archived object in TSM (archived by a broken and very old version of TDP for SAP - don't ask why). This software archived two different objects under the same name (SAP___9F10111931_0, see below). I need to restore the older one. Here ist the relevant output from select * from arch

Re: Strange thing labeling UDO in Plasmon G24

2005-07-28 Thread Andreas Priebe
Hi, just to let you know: My problem with UDO-Drives appearing as drive type "REMOVABLEFILE" is resolved: IBM note 1161410 says: Use raw devices for Opticals So Ihad to do def path kandel udo0 srctype=server desttype=drive - library=plas01 device=/dev/rop0 After this correction the second pro

Strange thing labeling UDO in Plasmon G24

2005-07-28 Thread Andreas Priebe
Hi, we have a new Plasmon G24 library with two UDO1 drives (no barcode reader) attached (SCSI) to a TSM (64bit) on a p630 running AIX 5.2 ML6. According to the TSM support pages this is a (well?) supported configuration. I observed two things which make me smell trouble: 1. After defini

Re: LTO Volume

2005-03-07 Thread Andreas Priebe

Re: LTO Volume

2005-03-07 Thread Andreas Priebe
Hi Richard, The Select is tried-and-true, and works well. On one of my TSM servers it gives me an SQL error due to the formmating: ANR2948E The value '381468.0' can not be assigned or converted to SQL data type DECIMAL(6,1). | V.

Re: q assoc vs. select * from associations

2005-03-01 Thread Andreas Priebe
Hi Andy [...] > associated nodes, then there are no associations for that schedule. But > maybe the original developers of the QUERY ASSOCIATION command thought it > would be useful to show you which schedules had no associations. [...] That was exacly the reason, why I noticed the difference: I

q assoc vs. select * from associations

2005-03-01 Thread Andreas Priebe
Hi, I notice, that "q assoc" gives me a complete list of associations, while a "select * from associations" misses those domain/schedule pairs, which are not associated with any node. Any reason for that? TIA Andreas

32bit API on AIX5 needed

2004-11-12 Thread Andreas Priebe
Hallo, we have an application (IBM CommonStore for SAP 8.2) which seems to insist on the 32bit libApiDS.a, but we have only the 64bit API available (BA&API client version is on AIX 5.2). As far as I can see there is no 32bit API for AIX 5. For the moment I have dropped in a libApiDS.a from