Re: Slow backup performance

2004-01-29 Thread Adam Boyer
Hi Richard, I don't have any personal experience with journaling, but based on the documentation, your setup looks like a good candidate. Since less than 1% of your files change, I'm guessing you'll see a nice drop in elapsed processing time, and an increase in data_transfer_time / elapsed_proces

Re: TSM restore media list

2003-12-03 Thread Adam Boyer
en go through the restore, and each time a tape is needed, you'll see a prompt for it by volser. At that point you can just press "Skip" to go to the next tape. We have used this method to pre-load some standalone 3590s during DR tests. Adam Boyer

Redbook and MS articles on restoring AD -- false

2003-09-22 Thread Adam Boyer
pert and disagrees with these findings, please speak up and allow me to stand corrected. Adam Boyer

One machine= (one big db and one TSM server) or (two smaller db and two TSM servers)

2001-07-13 Thread Adam Boyer
Hello, We will be moving all of our backup clients over to TSM shortly. Currently, we are in the designing phase, and one of our major questions is this: One of our future backup clients is quite big, with around 30 million objects. This is probably not far from the sum of all objects on all o