Hi again,
I was able to get the web client to install and run on Ubuntu 20.4 and Debian
12.5. I will share my crude notes here. However, because we do not formally
support the web client on either platform, please be aware that the information
is provided “as is”, without any warranty or suppor
Hi Dmitry,
It is a fair question, but I am afraid I do not have a very satisfactory
answer. My best guess:
* It is not as simple as “make one package and then install and run on all
distros”. Rather, each distro has certain considerations and costs for build,
package, test, etc.
* Support
Thank you Andrew for clear answer
Maybe I say a stupid but Why is web-client not supported for debian?
RHEL SLES Ubuntu and etc = magic world of Linux
web client is a java application and should work everywhere!
> On 12 Apr 2024, at 18:51, Andrew Raibeck wrote:
> Hi all,
> To the o
Hi all,
To the original question:
* Debian support is limited, as documented in
https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/397693. The web client is not supported
on Debian.
* The Web Client is not supported on Ubuntu.
To the issue with Web Client on Windows and 8.1.19 server: if you are unable t
It used to work here as well, but stopped working when the SERVER was upgraded.
So, if you keep running an old server, you can install Ubuntu WebGui as well,
but this is probably not recommended.
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager On Behalf Of Dmitry Dukhov
Sent: Fri
David,I’m confused. I have already installed last client 8.1.22 for windows
and web client works well
Perhaps this means the old Java web client.
> On 11 Apr 2024, at 19:45, David L.A. De Leeuw wrote:
> Dimitri,
> Webgui is no longer supported.
> Read:
> "IBM Storage Protect"
> https:/