Note that the occupancy counts will also include archive and HSM files, which
may or may not be expected, unless you add "AND OC.Type='Bkup'" to the outer
WHERE clause.
Another thing that can inflate the occupancy counts (again, may or may not be
expected) is use of traditional copy pools.
Discovered a join problem. Need to have both node_name and Filespace_ID in
the equivalence between the tables. Otherwise you are joining only on the
Filespace_ID which can be the same for multiple nodes. Thus giving large
SELECT '$myTsmServer' AS TsmServer, FS.Node_Name, FS.Filespace_Name,
is there anybody out there using cloud container storage pools at bigger scale?
We plan to replace abbot 1.5PB of disk by cloud container storage pools using
RedHat Ceph 3 as Cloud target.
Are there known pitfalls?
Kind regards,
Jonas Jansen
IT Center
Gruppe: Server &