Re: Number of volumes per client

2019-07-11 Thread Ron Delaware
Hi Eric, These should give you what you are looking for echo "" echo "* Node Activities - How many volumes each client has data data11*" select count(DISTINCT volume_name) as Num_volumes, node_name, stgpool_name from

Re: AW: Number of volumes per client

2019-07-11 Thread Marc Lanteigne
Hi Eric, Stefan's method will be quicker than mine, smaller table to parse. - Thanks, Marc... ___ Marc Lanteigne Spectrum Protect Specialist AVP / SRT 416.478.0233 | Summer Hours: Monday to Thursday, 6:00 to 16:30 Eastern

AW: Number of volumes per client

2019-07-11 Thread Schulz Stefan
Hi Eric, i'd suggest "select node_name,count(distinct volume_name) from volumeusage group by node_name". You could also further filter with "where stgpool_name..." or "where copy_type='BACKUP'/'ARCHIVE'" Best Regards, Stefan Schulz CANCOM GmbH CANCOM GmbH Sitz der Gesellschaft: Jettingen-Sche

Re: Number of volumes per client

2019-07-11 Thread Marc Lanteigne
Hi Eric, You could do something like this: select node_name,count(distinct(volume_name)) from contents group by node_name - Thanks, Marc... ___ Marc Lanteigne Spectrum Protect Specialist AVP / SRT 416.478.0233 | Summer Hour

Number of volumes per client

2019-07-11 Thread Loon, Eric van (ITOP NS) - KLM
Hi guys, I'm looking for a SQL statement to count the amount of volumes used per client. Can anybody help me out here? Thank you very much in advance! Kind regards, Eric van Loon Air France/KLM Storage & Backup For information, services an