Hi John,
I would recommend to upgrade existing hw to desired version, backup SP DB,
set up new system and restore DB. There might be additional challenges to
migrate existing backup data on different volumes (disk, files, tapes) but
for the DB this is an easy way to go.
You may find some useful information at this link:
>>> John Keyes 2017-10-19 6:15 AM >>>
im planning to upgrade a clients TSM 6.3 server to TSM 7.1 on new hardware
Thank you, thats what I needed to know.
Best Regards,
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 19. Oktober 2017 um 12:56 Uhr
> Von: "Marc Lanteigne"
> Betreff: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM 6 to 7 Upgrade questions
> Just to clarify this statement: “Depending on old OS and new OS, you may wa
Just to clarify this statement: “Depending on old OS and new OS, you may want
to upgrade before or after the move.”
You will want to move from v6 to v6, then upgrade to v7
Or upgrade to v7, and move from v7.
I have seen cases where the new OS didn’t support v6, so they upgrade on the
Hi John,
You are actually doing two separate tasks. Moving to a different machine and
upgrading the software. You have to do one before the other. Depending on old
OS and new OS, you may want to upgrade before or after the move.
The actual move is very similar to a DR exercise. At a v
im planning to upgrade a clients TSM 6.3 server to TSM 7.1 on new hardware.
However the documentation I found
only provides a way to make an in-place upgrade. But I need to move to new
Well, all that code is out of date but other than that... make sure
SCHEDMODE PROMPT is in the client's dsm.opt file.
Also if you are running only a scheduler, look at switching over to the
CAD and letting it drive the scheduler.
If your backup network is set to use jumbo frames (MTU 9000) check