Password synchronisation of TDPERP for SAP HANA on a scale-out cluster

2015-11-10 Thread Andrew Collyer
Many thanks Efim I was almost there with it and your assistance pointed me at my problem. Although having thought I'd set up the proxy nodes correctly, I'd missed the ASNODENAME parameter from the dsm.sys files and wasn't actually accessing TSM via these nodes. I've re-configured it now and can s

Re: sql assistance with getting files backed up and their sizes

2015-11-10 Thread Thomas Denier
The symptoms you are describing sound more like retries of files that changed while TSM was reading them than growth in the size of individual files. Having the 'compress' option set to 'no' would, as far as I know, rule out the possibility of growth in the size of individual backup files. The w

Re: Activate SKLM on existing TS3500 partition

2015-11-10 Thread Kevin Boatright
We only relabel scratch on our VTL. On the 3500 physical library, we don't relabel the tapes. Once a scratch tape is mounted, it will encrypt the data on that tape. When we implemented the TKLM encryption, I created another copypool to speed up the process just to get all of the tapes encrypt

Re: Password synchronisation of TDPERP for SAP HANA on a scale-out cluster

2015-11-10 Thread Del Hoobler
This section in the User's Guide may help you: It is best if the /opt file system (more specifically the dsm.sys file) does not fail over. That way, each host uses its own TSM node name/pas

sql assistance with getting files backed up and their sizes

2015-11-10 Thread Lee, Gary
I have at least two linux clients v6.4 tsm server 6.3.4 whose bytes backed up are nearly double the bytes inspected. Compress is set to no. I would like to find the offending files which are growing. The following script shows files backed up yesterday, for a specific node, (thanks andy raibeck

Password synchronisation of TDPERP for SAP HANA on a scale-out cluster

2015-11-10 Thread Andrew Collyer
Hi all I?m hoping for some advice on the configuration of TDPERP for HANA. In our environment we have two HANA Linux servers running a single instance in an Active/Passive setup. TDP is configured on both servers and I have a single TDP node defined on a single TSM server. I am using a proxy