Hi David,
This has to do with the fact that Exchange uses the BA Client
for VSS operations through a "proxynode" relationship.
A proxynode relationship requires an admin id with "node" authority.
What's on the can: we do a TSM DB full backup daily, but one or two archive
logs get placed in this folder each day and don't seem to go away. They're only
512MB but, you know, that mounts up over time. Docs say it's normal to put logs
there, but also that they get cleaned up.
TSM on
Hello fellow ADSMers,
I'd like to get some feedback on anyone's experience with setting up
ProtecTier using a V7000 for storage. I'm setting up a 2 node TS7650G DD5
The V7000 storage was already allocated by a previous admin, using volumes
with striped visualization. The most recent Redbook Aug 2
I have a set of exchange backups that seem to be failing because the password
for the admin associated with the node has expired. Why is it using the admin
user rather than the node user?
09/02/2014 22:32:30 ANR0406I Session 481168 started for node DPMBXT01 (TDP