Re: Backup fails with no error message

2014-07-10 Thread Andrew Raibeck
Thomas, Neither myself nor a knowledgeable colleague I checked with can think of anything definitive that would cause the client to blow the stack like that (we do not have any specific "best practice" recommendations in this area). It is conceivable that these issues are all rooted in the same c

Upgrade from 5.5 to 7.1 Extractdb/insertdb seems to pause?

2014-07-10 Thread Bill Boyer
The extractdb and insertdb phase of the upgrade seems to be paused. It's been 40 min and the # bytes read and # records inserted/extracted haven't changed. The disk is being hit hard by the db2syscs process to the database volumes. I've never seen the extract phase do this before. This is my first

Re: Backup fails with no error message

2014-07-10 Thread Thomas Denier
<> In-Reply-To: Accept-Language: en-US Content-Language: en-US X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: x-originating-ip: [] x-microsoft-antispam: BCL:0;PCL:0;RULEID: x-forefront-prvs: 0268246

Re: TSM and AS/400

2014-07-10 Thread BT İşletim ve Teknik Destek Bölümü
Hi, Wanda Thanks for the help ! Not having LAN-free capabilities and not being able to backup the system are very serious disadvantages. I also looked around at the FTP site and found Latest maintenance is at

VM backup fails with ANS1907E - object merger operation error

2014-07-10 Thread Stackwick, Stephen
TSM4VE 7.1, TSM, datamover on a W2K8 VM: ANS1228E Sending of object 'VMUSMOSS10WEB1' failed. ANS1907E An error occurred while trying to perform an object merge operation on the server. All the web hits for ANS1907E seem to be old API issues... The weird thing is that sometimes it works

Re: TSM and AS/400

2014-07-10 Thread Prather, Wanda
>>I have been asked to evaluate the possibility to take a backup from AS/400 >>(Power720 - v6.1) to TSM (I don't know anything about AS/400). I looked on >>the info and I understand we need something called "Backup Recovery and Media >>Services for iSeries", I have a few questions: Been there

TSM and AS/400

2014-07-10 Thread BT İşletim ve Teknik Destek Bölümü
Hi, I have been asked to evaluate the possibility to take a backup from AS/400 (Power720 - v6.1) to TSM (I don't know anything about AS/400). I looked on the info and I understand we need something called "Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries", I have a few questions: 1. Is i

Re: APARs fixed in TSM

2014-07-10 Thread Karel Bos
Hi, Missing the issue probably. This interim fix contains no apar fixes seems pretty clear. Also I suspect IBM is blocking google search bots (forcing ppl to use their wonderful search engine) as more and more results on google point to dead links @ ibm. Op 9 jul. 2014 11:55 schreef "BEYERS Kurt"

Re: Antwort: Re: tsmve 7.1 / configuration problems

2014-07-10 Thread Robert Ouzen
Hi Stefan I woks that way ... Look the option asnode too Best Regards Robert Haifa University Israel -ORIGINAL MESSAGE- FROM: ADSM: DIST STOR MANAGER [MAILTO:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] ON BEHALF OF TSM SENT: THURSDAY, JULY 10, 2014 11:17 AM TO: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU SUBJECT: [ADSM-L] ANTWOR

Antwort: Re: tsmve 7.1 / configuration problems

2014-07-10 Thread TSM
Hello Robert, that was my workaround. Is this the only solution? Also i have to define new schedule and cad. thank you. Robert Ouzen Gesendet von: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 10.07.2014 09:52 Bitte antworten an "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" An: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Kopie:

Re: tsmve 7.1 / configuration problems

2014-07-10 Thread Robert Ouzen
Hello You have to load the dsmc with the appropriate NODENAME (datacenter node) So create another dsm.opt with it (e.g dsm_datacenter.opt) and load it as: dsmc -optfile=dsm_datacenter.opt Regards -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behal

tsmve 7.1 / configuration problems

2014-07-10 Thread TSM
hello, something is wrong with the tsmve assistant. after configuration with the assistant, backup and restores with the web-gui client is working well. but if i trie to backup a vm like dsmc backup vm xxxthe data is stored under the datamover node, not under the dat