Windows client memory leak

2013-07-26 Thread Thomas Denier
We have a number of Windows systems with TSM client code. It is by now well known that the client scheduler service at this level retains the maximum amount of memory needed during the backup window through intervals between backup windows. We have installed client code on a few of

Re: Deduplication/replication options

2013-07-26 Thread Paul Zarnowski
I'm not sure, but I suspect that IBM is more willing to use better special-bid pricing to a customer who is using both TSM and ProtecTier. I.e., it's a matter of negotiation, not rigid rules about how to measure occupancy. I don't think there is anything in the occupancy calculation algorithm

Re: Deduplication/replication options

2013-07-26 Thread Stefan Folkerts
Yes I do but I can not share the names with people outside of my company, sorry. I'll tell you it's a mid sized company with two Protectiers in two locations that replicate, the customer has the entry level TB license model and IBM used the protectier interface to determin the dedup savings for the

Re: Deduplication/replication options

2013-07-26 Thread Nick Laflamme
On Jul 26, 2013, at 5:21 AM, Steven Langdale wrote: > Hello Stefan > > Have you got cases of this? I ask because I have been specifically told by > our rep that any dedupe saving for capacity licensing is TSM dedupe only, > regarless of the backend storage. During our last TSM license renewal

Re: Deduplication/replication options

2013-07-26 Thread Steven Langdale
Hello Stefan Have you got cases of this? I ask because I have been specifically told by our rep that any dedupe saving for capacity licensing is TSM dedupe only, regarless of the backend storage. On 26 July 2013 09:16, Stefan Folkerts wrote: > No, this is correct, IBM does give Protectier (f

Re: Deduplication/replication options

2013-07-26 Thread Stefan Folkerts
No, this is correct, IBM does give Protectier (for example) customers an advantage with deduplication and factor in the dedup for billing. On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 10:18 PM, Colwell, William F. wrote: > Hi Norman, > > that is incorrect. IBM doesn't care what the hardware is when measuring > used