Hi Rick,
We Have th e same problem :-(, in my environment we got 10 TSM servers and
more than 3000 clients and more that 1.3 PTB of data in the Pools
And because we use Datadomain 0.5 PTB it in the DD, and its increase the
Price, (When the DD is 40TB occupied), never the less IBM told me if I wil
I've needed to do that multiple times a day to make it work. Thank
goodness I don't need to get to it that often. I much prefer the FTP
interface for updates; it's not pretty but at least it works.
-- Skylar Thompson (skyl...@u.washington.edu)
-- Genome Sciences Department, System Administrator
Lately the Passport Site has been terrible. I've had a lot of problems
with it in the last few months. Account issues, website issues, download
issues, etc. Every time I need something from the site it's a huge chore.
A couple weeks ago I called in to report the "Error 400" issue and they
Yes we use nodegroups
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Droid
-Original message-
From: Chavdar Cholev
Sent: Thu, Jul 19, 2012 17:55:24 GMT+00:00
Subject: Re: tsm replication leaves orphaned sessions on target replicatiopn
Hi Tim,
Yeap, same thing...
Do you u
Hi Tim,
Yeap, same thing...
Do you use node groupe for replication
On 19 Jul 2012 00:47, "Tim Brown" wrote:
> Over time TSM can leave orphaned sessions on the TSM server that is being
> replicated to.
> This prevents future replications for those nodes until the sessions are
> cancelled or