Re: collocation increases tape mounts while backup

2009-11-23 Thread Mehdi Salehi
The benefit of collocation is in restore time, because tape mounts will be reduces for restoring each client. If there are not enough tape drives defined in TSM server, more tape mount during backup is natural.

Re: Reclamation Processing won't start

2009-11-23 Thread Roger Deschner
If you are trying to get TSM to move data to a new format of tape, and it's a different DEVCLASS, then you need to set this up with Migration rather than Reclamation. It's not difficult to set up, and it's easy to control. I moved 100tb of data from SDLT to LTO4 mostly by migration, over a several

Re: Log pinned

2009-11-23 Thread Roger Deschner
I see this fairly often. It's always a slow-running client who is backing up a large file. I almost had a Log-full disaster last Sunday when DB backup started with a slow client already backing up. I eventually had to DISABLE SESSIONS and cancel all client backups until the DB backup finished. The

collocation increases tape mounts while backup

2009-11-23 Thread gardenia28
Hi, I find by applying collocation concept, the no.of tape mount increases while taking backup... Could anyone justify it or explain me why it is so? +-- |This was sent by via Backup Central. |

ANR2716e schedule prompter was not able to contact client us

2009-11-23 Thread gardenia28
Hi all, I'm trying to configure automated schedule. I configured as per procedure but my backup scheudling is not running b'coz of the below error ANR2716e schedule prompter was not able to contact client using type1 x.x.x.x 1501 ANR8213w sessio open with X.X.X.X timed out I checked for soluti

Re: Client backup activity

2009-11-23 Thread Huebschman, George J.
What do you mean by the backup window? The window for the schedule is just the window to start the backup. If you have an expectation of completing a given client's backup, or all client backups by a certain time, that is more relevant. Our backup standard is one a day for most clients, one a week

Re: Log pinned

2009-11-23 Thread Dwight Cook
I've seen that but generally once the log has hit 80% (of a 13 GB log) and TSM is imposing a 2 millisecond delay in transactions in order to try to keep the log from filling and crashing TSM. I only have seen it a few times a year across various very active environments but one thing that seems to

Re: TSM Disaster Recovery with VTL

2009-11-23 Thread Alex Paschal
Hello, Mehdi. I hope this answer isn't too late for you. In the TS7650[G], a virtual cartridge is not erased the volume is written to from the beginning - i.e. a "label libvol" is performed on it. Before the RELABELSCRATCH function was added to TSM, data on a virtual volume would be accessible u

Log pinned

2009-11-23 Thread Fred Johanson
A different problem than the one a few weeks gone by. DB backup finished, leaving log usage at 0.1 % used. No sessions running, so I started an expiration process. After 30 minutes, this is what I saw: tsm: GLASSHOUSE>q pr Process Process Description Status Number ---

Re: Reclamation Processing won't start

2009-11-23 Thread Hart, Charles A
Seen this to - adjust reclaim percent and # of processes (TSM 5.5.2) yet no reclaim runs. I did get it work and it seems the only way I get it to work is make sure there are no other processes running against those pools like a backup stgpool or migration (depending if you're reclaiming primary or

Re: Reclamation Processing won't start

2009-11-23 Thread Howard Coles
If you are trying to get TSM to move the data to a new Tape Format (increased density and/or tape type) you would be better served to run a move data command. I'm assuming you have created a new storage pool if you've gone to a higher capacity drive type. However, 99% means that the tapes have to

Re: Reclamation Processing won't start

2009-11-23 Thread Huebschman, George J.
Double check the Drive and Path configurations Be certain that the existing tapes are accurately defined in the new device class. Have you ever used the "Reclaim" command? You can force start a reclamation process that way also: Syntax >>-RECLaim STGpool--pool_name--+--+

Reclamation Processing won't start

2009-11-23 Thread Maura Adams
We recently upgraded our tape drives. I have verified that the new device class has a sufficient # of mount points, we have plenty of scratch volumes assigned to the tape pool. I run a query and see where we have 36 possible tape returns running reclamation at 99%. I also verified volumes were

Re: Remote Netware connectivity software

2009-11-23 Thread Timothy Hughes
Hi Ron, All My level of Novell is not very high, However I should be able to install the Novell client. We are going to try to use Novell Remote Manager. Is there a way to get the Novell Client to the target machine for install? The other Netware utilities seem to require "The novell client to

encryption key confliction

2009-11-23 Thread Keith Arbogast
We have a group of TSM clients which has been encrypting its backup data using the ENCRYPTKEY=SAVE option. Now the administration of those clients is moving to a different team, and the old team does not wish to give the new team the original encryption key because it is used for several dozen o

Re: The service 'TSM' does not exist ??

2009-11-23 Thread Timothy Hughes
Neil Thanks! looks like that worked The schedule started, and no new errors in the dsm.log, Not sure why or how that got changed. We did have and IP address issue not sure if that caused a change or not. 11/23/2009 11:12:26 (dsmcad) Next operation scheduled: 11/23/2009 11:12:26 (dsmcad)

Re: The service 'TSM' does not exist ??

2009-11-23 Thread Neil Schofield
Tim Yeah sorry, I see from you original list of installed services that the name of the scheduler service is actually TSM Client Scheduler, so try the following: DSMCUTIL UPDATE CAD /NAME:"TSM Client Acceptor" /CADSchedName:"TSM Client Scheduler" Regards Neil Timothy Hughes 23/11/2009 15:16

Re: The service 'TSM' does not exist ??

2009-11-23 Thread Timothy Hughes
Neil, I updated the cad name, However I am now getting the following message regarding " The service 'TSM Scheduler" 11/23/2009 09:47:20 Error starting schedule service: The service 'TSM Scheduler' does not exist. 11/23/2009 09:53:46 Error starting schedule service: The service 'TSM Scheduler'

Re: The service 'TSM' does not exist ??

2009-11-23 Thread Neil Schofield
Tim This is your problem: > Cad Schedule Service = TSM I can't tell you how or why this has changed, but to resolve it you need to update the properties of the client acceptor service to tell it the real name of the scheduler service, and then restart the client acceptor. DSMCUTIL UPDATE CAD /

Re: The service 'TSM' does not exist ??

2009-11-23 Thread Timothy Hughes
Neil, Thanks! Here is the output D:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient>dsmcutil query cad /name:"TSM Client Acceptor" TSM Windows NT Client Service Configuration Utility Command Line Interface - Version 6, Release 1, Level 0.2 (C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2009, All Rights Reserved. Last

Re: VMWare VCB with BA Client v6.1.2.0 : How to force nbd transport type with dsmc

2009-11-23 Thread adms mailing list
Unfortunatly this is due to they way they have implemented VCB backups with TSM. I requested for this to be changed when 5.5 was released, but I gues they still have not looked into it. They have hard coded the -a ipaddr: option, I asked for them to make the option user selectable. The only wor

VMWare VCB with BA Client v6.1.2.0 : How to force nbd transport type with dsmc

2009-11-23 Thread David Rigaudiere
Hi *SMers, we are trying to implement VCB full vm backup with client v6.1.2. We want call the VM by name, without DNS resolution. The vcbmounter commands is ok. vcbMounter -h xx.xx.xx.xx -u USER -p *** -a name:UDA14 -r s:\ -t fullvm -m nbd During the DSMC BA VM command, TSM send this com

RES: [ADSM-L] unsubscribe

2009-11-23 Thread Anderson Santana do Vale
att, - Anderson S. do Vale - Service IT Solutions - SP: +55 11 2595-1400 RS: +55 51 3314-6000 PR: +55 41 3363-5586 DF: +55 61 3037-7752 Argentina: +54 11 4322-3555 -Mensagem origin