Re: Some advice about compression=yes to perform IMAGE backup

2009-09-19 Thread Skylar Thompson
admbackup wrote: > Hi. > > I am need some advice about using compression=yes for image backups > > > I need to perform image backups of mulitple disks on a windows 2008 server. > Most of them have like 1.45T of size. > > We are running out of tapes and I was thinking in using compression. I know

Some advice about compression=yes to perform IMAGE backup

2009-09-19 Thread admbackup
Hi. I am need some advice about using compression=yes for image backups I need to perform image backups of mulitple disks on a windows 2008 server. Most of them have like 1.45T of size. We are running out of tapes and I was thinking in using compression. I know that it is recommended to set

Re: Calculate total data backed up on tape

2009-09-19 Thread Huebner,Andy,FORT WORTH,IT
Maybe I am missing something, but q vol f=d will show the estimated capacity and if the tape is full that number is how much was written to the tape. Dsmadmc -id=ADMIN -PA=PASSWORD -comma -dataonly=yes q vol t* status=full > TAPEFILE Andy Huebner -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor

Re: grant access to another node

2009-09-19 Thread Mehdi Salehi
what I was looking for is "set access" command Thanks all

Re: grant access to another node

2009-09-19 Thread Richard Sims
IBM provides information on doing that, in the client manual: see topic "Restoring or retrieving your files to another workstation". Do not use the -nodename option, which is not intended for that purpose, and can have unintended consequences for your client password. Richard Sims

Re: grant access to another node

2009-09-19 Thread Mehdi Salehi
I like -virtualnodename option for similar circumstances, but there are cases that a user wants to grant the access of a filespace to another user without giving them the node password. Mehdi

Re: grant access to another node

2009-09-19 Thread ADSM-L
Rather than granting access, can you not simply log in from 'node b' as if you were 'node a' using a -nodename option or similar? /David Mc London, UK On 19 Sep 2009, at 09:52, Mehdi Salehi wrote: Hi, nodeA has backed up /fs1 (image backup) and this image is to be restored on nodeB. Question

grant access to another node

2009-09-19 Thread Mehdi Salehi
Hi, nodeA has backed up /fs1 (image backup) and this image is to be restored on nodeB. Question 1: How can I grant access to another node using command line (not using dsmj GUI) Question 2: by dsmj GUI, when I try to add access rule, it does not accept image backups. Is it supported? TSM client ve

SV: Restore error - invalid "version id's list" field found in "ObjRtrv" verb

2009-09-19 Thread Christian Svensson
Hi Jacques, This is what TSM help command explain your problem. ANR0443W Protocol error on session session number for node client node name (client platform) - invalid "field name" field found in "verb name" verb (offset offset position). Explanation: The server detects a protocol e