Re: ANS1153E *** is a cluster disk.

2009-03-10 Thread Andrew Raibeck
Have a look at this KB article from Microsoft, perhaps it applies to your scenario: Best regards, Andy Andy Raibeck IBM Software Group Tivoli Storage Manager Client Product Development Level 3 Team Lead Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/i...@ibm

ANS1153E *** is a cluster disk.

2009-03-10 Thread Kerri Mickelsen
I have a newbie question I have 3 Windows Nodes defined on TSM server, CAP3A, CAP3B, CAP3C, with a schedule for each. Currently: 3A - Active Node 3B - Passive Node 3C - Cluster Name Usually things work fine; however, there SAN work done on the server over the weekend and now backup fails on p

Exchange 2007 Cluster

2009-03-10 Thread elsuizo
Hello everybody, I'm looking for a solution backing up an Exchange 2007 Cluster using TSM. Either using legacy streaming backup or VSS. Is there someone in this Forum having setup a working environement and likes to share his/her knowledge. Any help is kindly appreciated Regards from Switzerland

LanFree on Solaris10 or as TSM server

2009-03-10 Thread sunguy if you are running Emulex FC HBA driver -- lpfc with this Emulex HBA - 3). Configure with Emulex FC HBA a) Run Emulex HBAnyware or lputil utilities to find and record the target and lun of tape device b) For l

Re: TSM Library Manager

2009-03-10 Thread Schneider, John
Paul, Thanks for sharing your script. Everybody has their own naming convention for tape drives. I like a convention where the TSM name makes it possible to tell where the drive is in the physical library. That makes it a lot easier when discussing the tape drive problem with IBM, since the CE's s

Re: TSM Library Manager

2009-03-10 Thread Kelly Lipp
And always consider what the truly smart guys have to say first when reading the list! Thanks Paul. Kelly Lipp CTO STORServer, Inc. 485-B Elkton Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80907 719-266-8777 x7105 -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.mar

Re: How do I override compression setting?

2009-03-10 Thread Andrew Raibeck
Good catch! Yes, in Unix I suppose the quotes would be recommended. Best regards, Andy Andy Raibeck IBM Software Group Tivoli Storage Manager Client Product Development Level 3 Team Lead Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/i...@ibmus Internet e-mail: IBM Tivoli Stora

Re: Client hangs when TSM Client Acceptor starts TSM Client Scheduler.

2009-03-10 Thread Andrew Raibeck
Go to the URL in my sig and do a search on the following: snp Best regards, Andy Andy Raibeck IBM Software Group Tivoli Storage Manager Client Product Development Level 3 Team Lead Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/i...@ibmus Internet e-mail: IBM Tivoli Storage

Re: Client hangs when TSM Client Acceptor starts TSM Client Scheduler.

2009-03-10 Thread Richard Sims
Things I would first check: That client and server are syncing to a time standard, for overall sanity. Check for any errors in dsmerror.log. On the server side, do 'Query SEssion F=D' and see what's going on with that node, and inspect the Activity Log for issues regarding the session. Backups a

Re: TSM Library Manager

2009-03-10 Thread Paul Zarnowski
At 03:17 PM 3/10/2009, Schneider, John wrote: Greetings, I have a solution to the problem of library sharing and different rmt names. We have a similar, but different solution. We have a script we use to rename AIX tape devices to a predictable name, based on the last 4 characters of

Client hangs when TSM Client Acceptor starts TSM Client Scheduler.

2009-03-10 Thread Clark, Robert A
I have several Windows clients that hang at night if the "TSM Client Acceptor" service starts the "TSM Client Scheduler" to check the schedule while the backup is running. The admin who set the client up did so at approximately 14:20, and the backup starts at 02:00. Right around 02:20, I can see a

Re: TSM Library Manager

2009-03-10 Thread Schneider, John
Greetings, I have a solution to the problem of library sharing and different rmt names. We have a number of AIX TSM servers that all share the same tape libraries, and at first it was a big aggrevation because frame1 drive 3 would be rmt3 on one server, and rmt5 on another server, and so on

Re: DBB not expiring

2009-03-10 Thread PAC Brion Arnaud
Joni, Could it be that you have some script issuing a command like "delete volhist todate=today-X type=dbbackup", having X < 20 (actual DRM setting for DB backup expiration days) ? If yes, then the volumes are left "orphaned" in DRM, and thus never expiring, IIRC. Cheers Arnaud **

DBB not expiring

2009-03-10 Thread Moyer, Joni M
Hi! I have a new TSM server on an AIX 5.3 server at and the database backups are not expiring. What should I double check to make sure that this does occur? I do have the following set up for DRM: Recovery Plan Prefix: /t01/dr/recoveryplans/ Plan Instructions Pre

Re: How do I override compression setting?

2009-03-10 Thread Andrew Raibeck
> You can verify that overriding is working like: > dsmc q opt -compression=no | grep -i compress Fun fact #273: Another way to do this that does not require the grep: dsmc q opt comp* -compression=no Best regards, Andy Andy Raibeck IBM Software Group Tivoli Storage Manager Client Prod

Re: How do I override compression setting?

2009-03-10 Thread Andrew Raibeck
EXCLUDE.COMPRESSION excludes files from compression when COMPRESSION YES is in effect. Your client option set forced COMPRESSION YES to be in effect, but otherwise does not impact EXCLUDE.COMPRESSION. In a way, I'm not sure there is much point in forcing compression because you could always overri

Re: TSM Library Manager

2009-03-10 Thread Morris.Marshael
Thanks to all because of your emails you got me looking at how I created the paths and this is where my problem was. I had the name reversed. Once I changed this things started working. Marshael -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of A

Re: How do I override compression setting?

2009-03-10 Thread Schneider, John
Andy, There is a client options set in effect, and it did have compression=yes, with the "force" option, which probably overrides everything. But even with that in effect, when I used the "exclude.compression /mnt/mksysb/.../*" line, it skipped compressing the files in that filesy

Re: How do I override compression setting?

2009-03-10 Thread Richard Sims
On Mar 10, 2009, at 1:29 PM, Schneider, John wrote: It is good to know an option like that exists, thanks. But that is not really my question. What is wrong with what I am doing? I don't see any mistakes in my configuration. When I create a schedule and put "-compression=n" in the o

Re: How do I override compression setting?

2009-03-10 Thread Andrew Raibeck
Make sure you don't have a client option set forcing compression. I checked the client on Linux x86, your scenario (compression yes in dsm.sys, compression no in sched definition) works fine without a client option set. Andy Raibeck IBM Software Group Tivoli Storage Manager Client Product

Re: How do I override compression setting?

2009-03-10 Thread Schneider, John
Well, I guess I am being tripped up my engineer's mind. I want the product to work consistently, not arbitrarily. And to work according to the manual. In the Unix client manual in the section on processing options it says: * Most options that you enter on the command line override the value set i

Re: How do I override compression setting?

2009-03-10 Thread Howard Coles
Not if the client locally has compress=y in the optfile. That option may override the setting in the schedule. If you want to make sure a directory, or series of files don't compress use the exclude.compress option. If you want to turn off compression for the whole client add compress no to the

Re: TSM Library Manager

2009-03-10 Thread Abid Ilias
Also turn the SAN Discovery option ON, we have figured out that the only way SAN Discovery would work was to run TSM as Root in UNIX. If you have SAN Discovery option ON, it is supposed to fix any discrepancy. I would make a spread sheet of all devices for library manager/client and update t

Re: How do I override compression setting?

2009-03-10 Thread Kelly Lipp
That is the question: does the compress=no on the command line override the compress yes in the dsm.sys? Apparently not. The docs state, though, that the exclude.compression will override the dsm.sys. Might be you only option. Kelly Lipp CTO STORServer, Inc. 485-B Elkton Drive Colorado Spring

Re: How do I override compression setting?

2009-03-10 Thread Schneider, John
Kelly, It is good to know an option like that exists, thanks. But that is not really my question. What is wrong with what I am doing? I don't see any mistakes in my configuration. When I create a schedule and put "-compression=n" in the options for the schedule, the TSM client should turn

Re: TSM Library Manager

2009-03-10 Thread David E Ehresman
Are you comparing the element number/serial number on each rmt device on the client with the path definition for the client on the library manager. rmt2 on the manager is not necessarily the same as rmt2 on the client and the path statements on the library manager have to resolve any difference

Re: TSM Library Manager

2009-03-10 Thread Kelly Lipp
Can you see that the library is indeed hanging a tape in some drive? And if so, is it indeed the correct drive? Visual inspection of what you think is happening is what I'm suggesting. Kelly Lipp CTO STORServer, Inc. 485-B Elkton Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80907 719-266-8777 x7105 www.storserv

Re: TSM Library Manager

2009-03-10 Thread Morris.Marshael
I checked the drives to see what element numbers they were pointing to and checked the library to see what element they were showing for the drives, all are in sync. Thanks, Marshael -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of Kelly Lipp Sen

Re: How do I override compression setting?

2009-03-10 Thread Kelly Lipp
How about exclude.compression on that filespace? exclude.compression Excludes files from compression processing if the compression option is set to yes. This option applies to backups and archives. Kelly Lipp CTO STORServer, Inc. 485-B Elkton Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80907 719-266-8777 x710

Re: TSM Library Manager

2009-03-10 Thread Kelly Lipp
I've seen something similar in the non sharing environment if the element number to drive relationship is whacked. For instance, you suggest that the drive at /rmt0 is element 256 when in reality it's 257. The library is instructed to mount a tape in element 256 and then TSM looks for tape in

TSM Library Manager

2009-03-10 Thread Morris.Marshael
I have setup a library manager in TSM. This server is TSM 5.5.2 I am setting up a library client and it also has TSM 5.5.2. The TSM library manager is using the drives with no problem. I have setup the paths for the library client and I'm having problems with the client. The server, when reque

Re: API (tdpo) for linux problem !

2009-03-10 Thread Howard Coles
Sorry I missed this, should have read it closer the first time. However, you need to alter your DSMI_ORC_CONFIG to point to the dsm.opt file not the tdpo.opt file they are two different animals. Here's an example of our tdpo.opt on one box: DSMI_ORC_CONFIG/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64/d

Re: SV: multiple schedules on one server

2009-03-10 Thread Howard Coles
I can't remember now, I just remember not being able to specify an options file without using the set dsm_config line in a batch file. According to the manual the only options it took were userid, password and a command I think. But See Ya' Howard > -Original Message- > From: ADSM:

How do I override compression setting?

2009-03-10 Thread Schneider, John
Greetings, I have a specific NFS filesystem on a TSM AIX client that I need to backup without compression because the files are very large and already compressed, so it is pointless to compress them. But compression is "yes" in the dsm.sys file because I want to compress the other filesystems.

Re: multiple schedules on one server

2009-03-10 Thread Allen S. Rout
>> On Mon, 9 Mar 2009 13:21:45 -0500, Howard Coles >> said: > dsmcad -optfile=/location/of/dsm.opt > /dev/null 2>&1 & [ ... ] In configurations where this has gotten complex, I've ended up inverting the whole relationship. I have _one_ scheduler process, and all of the schedules on it are "

Re: API (tdpo) for linux problem !

2009-03-10 Thread goc
thanks, thats exactly the case ... so i'm still in the dark # ls -lrt total 4028 -r-xr-xr-x 1 root bin 2274183 Nov 28 2006 -rwsr-xr-x 1 root bin 1832042 Nov 28 2006 dsmtca -r--r--r-- 1 root bin 971 Dec 5 2006 dsm.sys.smp -r--r--r-- 1 root bin 782 Dec 5 2006 dsm

Re: SV: multiple schedules on one server

2009-03-10 Thread Henrik Vahlstedt
"dsmadmc is the one that used to not allow any other command line options but userid and password" Are you sure that TSM started to use TcpServer and TcpPort options in 5.2?? (-tcps=,-tcpp=) //Henrik -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On

Re: API (tdpo) for linux problem !

2009-03-10 Thread Howard Coles
Make sure you have at least a softlink of the dsm.sys in the api/bin64 directory, and the dsm.opt (real not a link) in the api/bin64 directory, and make sure you have a softlink (so that it gets updated if you upgrade the client) to in $ORACLE_HOME/lib. The API has to have access to th

Re: SV: multiple schedules on one server

2009-03-10 Thread Howard Coles
Yea, I did some testing with that yesterday. I'm so used to the older versions of the Admin session commandline's limitations that I forgot about that part. Sorry. The dsmadmc is the one that used to not allow any other command line options but userid and password. I used it so much in the 5

API (tdpo) for linux problem !

2009-03-10 Thread goc
hi all, i'm trying to configure TDPO on linux redhat, but i'm getting this ---> [r...@cla-0(MAG_NPS) /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin64] # tdpoconf showenv -tdpo_opt=tdpo.opt IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases: Data Protection for Oracle Version 5, Release 4, Level 1.0 (C) Copyright IBM C